Christmas Memo
Cafeteria Services: Wednesday, December 16th is the last day for cafeteria services. Cafeteria services will resume on Monday, January 4th, 2021 Christmas Holidays/Dismissal: School will close for Christmas Holidays on Friday, December 18th at 12:30pm. If there are any changes in dismissal procedures for your child please ensure that the classroom teacher is aware of these changes. School Reopens: School will reopen on Monday, January 4th and it will be Day 4 on our schedule. Proactive Covid-19 Preparation: While we anticipate full reopening of schools on January 4th, 2021, it is prudent for school communities to pivot quickly to scenario 2 or 3 should the circumstances warrant. At MQP we have been preparing for this change in the event it should arise. Please see the attached memo from Mr. Ed Walsh, Associate Director of Programs and Human Resources at NLESD. Student Belongings...