
Showing posts from November, 2021
This is a friendly reminder that the COVID-19 vaccination consent forms are due back to school tomorrow, Wednesday,  December 1st.  If you would like your child to be immunized in school, the form must be completed in full, signed by a parent or legal guardian in ink and returned to school.  The immunization date for our school is Tuesday, December 7th.  Specific times for each grade level will be shared with you soon.  If your child has received a COVID-19 vaccine in a public clinic or has an appointment at a public clinic, please do not complete the consent form. What Parents and Guardians Need to Know About COVID-19 Vaccination in School For Parents Guardians-NL COVID-19 Immunization Consent Form Student

Student Book Fair Schedule

  The Scholastic Book Fair starts this Monday for students. Their teachers have already selected times, and you can view the schedule below. If you choose to purchase from the book fair students can bring money on the day of their visit and parents can also purchase online.  Purchases from the Virtual Book Fair are shipped free of charge to the school.  Proceeds from the book fair go towards the library and to purchase additional books for classroom libraries.  The Book Fair runs from Nov. 29-Dec. 3rd. Student Book Fair Schedule Virtual Book Fair  

OPTIS Parent Teacher Conference System

  Mary Queen of Peace uses OPTIS, a site for coordinating parent-teacher interviews. If you are a new parent to Mary Queen of Peace you will need to create an account before you are able to book new appointments. We recommend completing that process before the booking appointments opens on Nov. 26th. Registration for new appointments will commence on Nov. 26th at 9am and stay open for booking appointments until Dec. 1st at noon . You will have the option of selecting a phone interview or an online video interivew during the booking process.  If you have any questions, or encounter any difficulties during the process please contact the school.  You can click on the link below to get started, or find it on the front page of the school's website. OPTIS Parent-Teacher Interview Scheduler

No School Tomorrow for Students

There will be no school for students at Mary Queen of Peace tomorrow, Friday Nov. 19th. School will resume on Monday, Nov. 22nd. It will be Day 3 on the cycle. 

No School Tomorrow, Thursday Nov. 11th

Mary Queen of Peace and the Newfoundland and Labrador School Distrct will be observing  Remembrance Day on Thursday, Nov. 11th.  School will resume on Friday, Nov. 12th at it's normal time. It will be day 4 on the cycle. 

November Newsletter

  The November Newsletter is now available to read! Check out what will be happening at Mary Queen of Peace during the month. Pay special attention to the section on student electronics.  November Newsletter

Masking and Cohorting Memo from NLESD

In accordance with a Public Health Special Measures Order announced today (Friday, October 29), the Newfoundland and Labrador English School District is amending its current masking and cohorting  protocols in schools throughout the province. Effective Monday, November 1, mask-use in schools will be mandatory for all K-12 students, including primary-aged students in K-3, and there will be a resumption of cohorting for K-6 students throughout the province.  To read the rest of the memo click on the link below.  NLESD Masking Memo