
Showing posts from December, 2021

Last Day of School Before Christmas Break

  The last day of school before Christmas Break is Wednesday, December 22nd. This year we will dismiss at 12:30pm. School will resume on Jan. 4th, which will be Day 5 on the cycle. 

MQP Gives Back - The Gathering Place

  This year as part of our 12 Days of Christmas Mary Queen of Peace has decided to dedicate 2 our or our days to giving back to the community. Last week we had a food drive for the Mary Queen of Peace Parish Food Bank. This week, starting Tuesday, we are collecting items to donate to give to the Gathering Place.  The Gathering Place listed this items as most needed: Shampoo/ConditionerSoap Hand soap Face cloths hand towels Deodorant Tooth paste Tooth brush Dental floss Sanitary products Socks Underwear Hats Gloves Lip balm Comb/brush, etc. Any items can be brought to school during the week. 

School Opening Delayed 2 Hours

  Due to the weather MQP will open 2 hours later than normal this morning. This means the bus runs will start at 9:30am, the school doors will open at 9:50am, and school will start at 10:10am.

Pizza Day for Primary Students Moved to Dec. 13th

  Due to the possibility of inclement weather tomorrow the Primary Pizza Day will be moved to Monday, Dec. 13th.  Pizza Day for Elementary Students will still go ahead as scheduled on Friday, Dec. 10th.

Picture Retake Day

  In case you missed the first Picture Day, now is your time to shine! Scrub the marker off those cheeks and make sure you don't cut your own hair. Then get ready for Picture Retake Day! It will take place Thursday, Dec. 9th. 

December Band Schedule

  The December Band schedule is here! Make sure you check before you carry your tuba to school on a day that is a little slippery. No one wants a tumbling tuba toting student.  December Band Schedule

Little Caesars Pizza Lunch

 We are pleased to offer a Little Caesars pizza fundraiser lunch for MQP students next week.  All proceeds raised will go toward our Christmas Sharing Program. We will have 2 separate days for ordering:  Thursday, December 9th for primary students (Kindergarten to Grade 3) Friday, December 10th for elementary students. (Grade 4-6) Pizza will be sold for $2.00 a slice and two pieces of crazy bread will be sold for $1.00.   Thank you to Jeff Horner for his ongoing support! Pizza Lunch Order Form

12 Days of Christmas at MQP

  Each year we celebrate 12 Days of Christmas at MQP with a variety of activites. Check out the image below so you know what is happening each day! 12 Days of Christmas

MQP Soccer Registration

  MQP Winter Soccer League registration form was sent home recently.  If your child is interested in this excellent program please forward the registration form and fees to your child's teacher.   The deadline for registration for this  Indoor Winter Soccer League is Wednesday, December 8th.  Many thanks to Andrea Duguid, and her team for organizing this great soccer league for MQP students.  MQP Soccer Registration

December Newsletter

The December Newsletter is available to read. Not a paper copy or it might blow away on this blustery day. December Newsletter

Early Dismissal Thursday morning

  Don't forget, due to Parent-Teacher Conferences on Thursday, Dec. 2nd, students will have an early dismissal. School will end at 11am.  We will return at our normal time on Friday, which will be Day 5 on the cycle. 

Classroom Wishlist for the Book Fair

  The Classroom Wishlist program is an important way to build classroom libraries. Teachers select titles from the book fair that they feel may be a good fit for their classroom and the school community is given an opportunity to contribute by purchasing a title. If you are interested, check the link and see what titles your teacher has selected! All titles can be found in the Virtual Book Fair, and when purchased, ship directly to the school.  Classroom Wishlist MQP Virtual Book Fair