Our Breakfast Program is going extremely well! Thank you to the many volunteers who come in every morning to help us out. To assist in providing a healthy breakfast for our students 5 days a week, We will be hosting a Breakfast Blitz on Thursday, March 16th. Donations can be sent in with students on the bus, or can be collected in the Kiss-n-Ride lane. This date is also Family-Teacher conference day, so if you'd like you can bring along a donation when you come in to meet with your child(ren)'s teacher! Here is a list of items that we use on a daily basis: AppleSnax (unsweetened) GoGoSqueez Cheese Strings Nutri Grain Bars Granola Bars Pre-packaged apple slices Fruit to Go strips We will also accept monetary donations or Costco Gift Cards. Thank you for your continued support with this awesome program for our students.