You may have made a resolution to work out more, but no one needs to carry a tuba on leg day. Make sure you time your band instrument carrying by checking out the January Band Schedule.
We know the year just ended moments ago, but who knows when the back to school flyers will come out. IT COULD BE TOMORROW! Check the lists below to see what your student might need for the next school year. And we will see you in September! Kindergarten Supply List Grade 1 Supply List Grade 2 English Supply List Grade 2 French Supply List Grade 3 English Supply List Grade 3 French Supply List Grade 4 English Supply List Grade 4 French Supply List Grade 5 English Supply List Grade 5 French Supply List Grade 6 English Supply List Grade 6 French Supply List Grade 6 Intensive Core French
OPTIS, our family teacher conference scheduler, opens tomorrow morning at 9am. If you don't already have an account made please go to the site and create one. Tomorrow at 9 you will be able to book an apppointment to chat with your students teachers. Interviews will be held on March 21st. If you have any issues please contact the school. OPTIS Link
The last newsletter of the year?! Say it ain't so! We are sorry you won't have this publication to keep you excited during the months of July and August, but we will be ready to go in September. June Newsletter