Retrieval of Student Belongings cancelled

Based on the most recent COVID-19 update from the Provincial Government and the province's Chief Medical Officer of Health, NLESD is further limiting access to school facilities effective immediately. This directive means that there will be no public access to schools whatsoever including any prearranged pickup of personal student items. Therefore, the retrieval of student personal belongings scheduled for Monday, March 23rd at MQP is now cancelled. All belongings will be stored at the school until further notice. Should there be any change, you will be notified immediately.

We hope you are doing well during this difficult time. We just want you to know that we are thinking of you and we miss our students very much. Our staff were looking forward to seeing you tomorrow and for this reason they have placed a special message  in our windows. Photo is below. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if needed.

Take care.
Staff of MQP

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