Update on Dismissal Procedures

Congratulations to all on a wonderful first day of school.  We were excited to see our students today.  

The Kiss and Ride Lane was very congested today for arrival and dismissal.  We are experiencing a higher than normal volume in our drop off/pick up zone due to the first day of school, as well as bus eligibility delays.  This will be rectified by the end of September.  As students and families learn our school routines this will become more efficient.

For the Kiss and Ride Program, we are asking that ALL parents remain in your vehicles. In order to ensure physical distancing and safety for all please stay in your cars, pull through the Kiss and Ride lane and teachers will help assist your child into your vehicle.  

If you walk your child to school each day, please collect your child in the side garden/bench area on our front lawn. Teachers will bring your child to that area. Please do not linger in the pick up area.  Once you have your child please disperse immediately.

For the Kindergarten parents picking up your child at the Kindergarten entrance, please remain on the sidewalk and grass near the Kindergarten entrance, away from our bus lane. Buses will be in our parking lot 1:45 p.m. daily and we cannot block the bus lane.  The safety of our students is of utmost importance.   

Thank you for your cooperation with this dismissal process.  We  are looking forward to a great year learning together. 


Karen Dalton

Assistant Principal


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