School Opening Information

Return to School:

We are delighted to see our student return to in-class instruction on Thursday, March 18th, 2021! Online instruction will end on Wednesday, March 17th. Thank you to our staff for their hard work, commitment and dedication in providing top notch learning for our students during this unprecedented time! They are to be commended on an outstanding job! Way to go staff of MQP!

School Opening:

Doors will open at 7:50am and classes will begin at 8:10am. We encourage all students to be at school by 8am to prepare for class instruction. 

Wearing of Masks:

The wearing of masks while travelling on the school bus will continue to be mandatory for all students. Students in Grades 4-6 will be required to wear masks at all times as well, including sitting in desks in classrooms. (Non-medical masks are acceptable for students) Primary students are encouraged, but not required to wear masks while in school. Students are encouraged to wear masks during Gym and Music, but are not mandatory.


In preparation for school opening tomorrow, please be advised that there will be no cafeteria services for this week.  We were just notified by Chartwells that their online ordering system is not available. They are hoping to have the issue resolved for Monday, March 22nd. Sorry for the inconvenience. 

In the meantime, all students are reminded to bring along their snacks and lunches.

Return of Chromebooks:

All families who borrowed chromebooks are asked to ensure they are returned to the school with the students on Thursday, March 18th.

Process for Returning:

Students are asked to place the chromebook in a bag with their name and grade and to return to their homeroom teacher. All chromebooks will be held for 24 hours, then cleaned and sanitized before being used by our classes. It will be important to ensure that the chromebooks are returned by Thursday, Match 18th so that we can have them ready for student use on Monday, March 22nd. Thank you for your cooperation. 

Report Cards/ Family-Teacher Conferences/Optis

Term 2 report cards will be distributed to all students on Monday, March 29th

Family-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Wednesday, March 31st. Students will be dismissed at 10:50am on this day. Thursday, April 1st is Day 4. We will be using Optis for our virtual video family-teacher conferences this term. You will be able to access the link in the Optis System. Optis will open for parents on Monday, March 22nd at 9am and close on Monday, March 29th at 2:30 p.m.

MQP Yearbook:

Due to Covid-19 safety precautions, Lifetouch will only be taking online orders for our yearbook again this year. Families are asked to order your 2020-21 yearbook at The special code for MQP is 11980821. The cost to order books this year is $20.00 and the deadline for orders is March26th, 2021. Teachers can add pictures of your class to the yearbook folder on the staff google drive.

School Development Survey

A reminder to please complete the School development survey for our school. Your feedback counts. The link was included in our March Newsletter. The deadline is Friday, March 26th.

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