MQP Online Auction is LIVE!

 We are delighted to announce that our very first 

MQP Online Auction is now live with Bartlett’s Auctioneering Services! 

You have until 8:00pm on Friday, May 14th for Bidding! We appreciate your support! 

Please Note: All Bidding is Anonymous 

To Register and to begin bidding, please click on this link: Bartlett' Auction House

This auction will have a soft, staggered close on Friday, May 14th, starting at 8 pm. For those of you who are new to online auctions, this means each lot will close 30 seconds apart and, if someone bids in the last 30 seconds before the item closes, the bidding opportunity will be reset to 30 seconds. This allows you (as a bidder) to have additional time to place another competing bid, just as you would at an auction in person. The bidding on an item will close when there are no further bids made. 

Pick up of Items: 

We will arrange for an opportunity for successful bidders to pick up items here at MQP on Saturday, May 15th from Noon-3:00pm. Pick up is strongly encouraged at this time. 

Please come to the main entrance with your electronic receipt from Bartlett Auction House confirming payment of your winning bids. 

Please wear a mask and follow all directions for line up. Thank you for your cooperation. 

We thank all the generous donors that made this event possible!

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